Thank-you for attending BE-STEMM 2024. We look forward to seeing you next year!

The Canadian Black Scientists Network is pleased to host you for a rich, three day multidisciplinary program featuring research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine & Health (STEMM). We welcome participants from all demographics from across Canada and abroad, and provide bilingual programming options and accessibility supports. 

Highlights of BE-STEMM 2024 include keynote talks by established and rising star Black scholars in STEMM, contributed talks and posters by scholars, practitioners, students, and educators across disciplines, a panel discussion on Black Health Equity, and an opportunity to network with organizations with career and scholarship opportunities at our career fair receptions.

This is the third year for this highly successful conference, but the first opportunity to meet in person! Hybrid elements such as livestreams for all keynote talks with chat functions and access to on-demand content will be provided for online attendees.

View a more detailed agenda here.


 July 30, 31 & August 1, 2024


Career Fair 


Keynote talk with Q&A 

Contributed research talks & lightning talks,
grouped by topic & organized in concurrent sessions.



Lunch & Learn: Career Fair Networking Session or Workshops

Contributed research talks & Lightning talks

Keynote Talk with Q&A


July 30 - Public Panel on Black Health Equity

July 31 - Poster Session

August 1- Awards & Celebration


Special Guest

The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean

27th Governor General, Commander-in-Chief of Canada

The Honourable Greg Fergus

Speaker of the House of Commons

The Canadian Black Scientists Network is pleased to acknowledge 

Our Network Institutional Host

Please note that by attending this conference you are agreeing to adhere to this Code of Conduct