Nathan Andrews began working at McMaster University in January 2022 as an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. He was previously at the University of Northern British Columbia as an Assistant/Associate Professor (2017-2021), Queen’s University as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2017) and was recently awarded a prestigious Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship (2021) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. One aspect of Dr. Andrews’ research focuses on the global political economy/ecology of natural resource extraction and development, with publications appearing in such high-ranking journals as International Affairs, Resources Policy, World Development, Energy Research & Social Science, and Business & Society Review among others. The second aspect of his research revolves around the scholarship of teaching and learning, in particular critical pedagogies, epistemic hegemony, racism and whiteness in knowledge production and dissemination. The current 69 peer-reviewed publications emerging from his research program include 39 journal articles, 9 books (monographs and co-edited volumes) and 21 book chapters as well as three edited books under preparation for release in 2023/2024. Dr. Andrews is PI on a new project titled ‘Hidden Figures’ in the Social and Natural Sciences: Exploring Racism, Whiteness, and Epistemic Oppression in the Canadian Academy, which is funded by a NFRF-Exploration Grant (2022-2024).