Abstracts are provided in the language submitted.

Studies done in Ontario school districts have shown that the needs of Black students are being underserved in the province. According to the relevant reports, Black students are performing below their peers of different ethnic/racial backgrounds. This is concerning to educators who care about this group of students and so, in the humanities and mathematics, there have been initiatives to incorporate culturally relevant pedagogies and responsive teaching to empower Black students and to reduce the achievement gap. This study is an attempt to extend this work to the field of science, where there are very few Black students in the senior years and therefore even less choosing scientific careers. Science has long been seen as a discipline which is objective, and yet we know that this is not true, as we have evidence of the influence of politics on science in situations as recent as the Covid-19 pandemic. We sought to explore the pedagogies of three teachers who have reputations of being successful teachers of science to Black students. The teachers were not all Black. There was diversity in their gender, ethnicity, training and experience. The results showed that these teachers were successful in teaching Black students science because they formed strong relationships with the students and their caregivers, were committed to Black student success and had high expectations of them, and were inclusive in their practice, incorporating Black culture and ways of knowing in their teaching.

Dr. Eddia Solas