Meet Later

Please search for the name or company of the company representative you would like to speak with. If you are unsure of who to contact, please see the yellow "Contact" button within the Sponsor Booth.

Bintou Ahidjo Bintou Ahidjo
Yasmine Ahmad Yasmine Ahmad
Irfan Ahmad Irfan Ahmad
Iyman Ahmed Iyman Ahmed
Samad Ahmed Samad Ahmed
Maimuna Ahmed Maimuna Ahmed
Jeremy Aibi Jeremy Aibi
Adekunle Aina Adekunle Aina
Bukola Aina Bukola Aina
Elyas Aissia Elyas Aissia
Boluwatife Ajayi Boluwatife Ajayi
Oluwafemi Ajibade-Peters Oluwafemi Ajibade-Peters