Arielle Kayabaga, MP 

London West

Arielle Kayabaga is a passionate community leader and the first Black woman ever elected as Member of Parliament in London and to London City Council, where she received both the Municipal World Award and the Pillar Community Leadership Award for her work in building a more equitable London.  
Arielle and her family left Burundi amid civil war and she experienced first-hand the challenges newcomers face in dealing with insecure housing and precarious employment in an unfamiliar place. Arielle is passionate about helping new Canadians get settled in our country and have access to the necessary resources to ease the transition. Arielle’s first language is French - she learned English while earning her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Carleton University. After earning her degree, she gained experience in government while working for the Liberal Research Bureau on Parliament Hill and was one of 29 young Canadians selected to participate at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a cause she is extremely passionate about.  
Arielle’s experiences inspired her to become a vocal champion for other newcomers and she is particularly focused on homelessness prevention, civic engagement, and inclusive communities. As a single mother, Member of Parliament, and community activist, Arielle embodies the qualities of a new type of political leader: progressive, resilient, and optimistic. 
She is working hard to continue bringing positive change to London West and committed to representing marginalized voices in her community.